Sunday, March 13, 2016

♫ It's Just Another Manic Sunday ♫

Note to self: learn more alt codes CUZ DAT SHIT IS FUN

Ello, Internet! How YOU doin'? ;) (If you don't get that reference, we probably can't be FRIENDS.)

DISCLAIMER: I am fully aware that the actual lyrics to the song I referenced in this title are "it's just another manic Monday." However, today is Sunday, and the next line in the song is "I wish it was Sunday, 'cause that's my funday," sooo IT'S ALL GOOD, YO.

Also, just out of curiosity, whose funday is Sunday??? I mean, I realize that Sunday isn't Monday, which is nice, but I just have a difficult time believing that Sunday is as much of a funday as, oh, say...Saturday? *shrug* Whatever you say, ladies! And, by "ladies" I mean "The Bangles."

Okay, so, last weekend I went out of town to visit some people and do some bridesmaid attire shopping for a friend's wedding that is happening later this year. As a combination of my odd sleep schedule and anxiety, I got about literally ONE hour of shitty, barely-dozing sleep on Friday night. After, somehow, surviving the day without collapsing, crying, OR being excessively grouchy, I managed to sleep a whole FOUR hours Saturday night (technically, Sunday morning), before another full day of Doing Things. On Sunday night, I kept waking up but managed to sleep, off and on, for about 11 hours. Not exactly the most restful sleep, but it was better than the combined FIVE hours I had gotten the previous two nights.
On Monday, I laid down most of the day due to feeling like shit and also feeling rather depressed. On Tuesday, however, something happened; I started to feel different. Not just less shitty, physically...but mentally, as well. I still felt depressed, but it wasn't as much, and I was beginning to feel energized. I would say it was a back-and-forth kind of thing, but it was also a pretty at-the-same-time sort of thing, if that makes sense.
So, on Wednesday, it was more of the same (well, similar, at least), but I could tell I was feeling even more energized and even less depressed.
By the time Thursday came around, I felt like a million bucks and was tweeting things like, "TYPING IN LOWER CASE JUST DOESN'T SEEM ACCURATE RIGHT NOW BUT I'M NOT EVEN YELLING "  and "Google just told me I'm the life of the party. " with a rather upbeat and dance-y GIF from Pitch Perfect 2.

Now, I'm no mental health professional, but I'd venture to say that "#hyper" *might* be code for "#hypomanic."
And, apparently, I'm not the only one with that suspicion. For example, after talking with a few friends within the last few days, they were collectively like, "OH, HEY, IS YOUR DEPRESSION LIFTING? YAAAY!" and after a few more minutes they were like, "OH, HODE (HOLD) UP. ARE YOU MAYBE TOO UP?" and I was like, "PROBABLY. PROBABLY, I AM."
Lol... I may or may not have hooded-up those interactions, by the way...
But, I mean, "too up" is a relative term, yes? Or, maybe it's an objective term? Whatever the word is that means the definition can vary... #dyslexia

ANYWAY, I feel WONDERFUL and I'm stoked to finally not feel like winter froze over (Dear Carly, wtf are you even saying?). As of lately, I feel far more upbeat and dance-y and productive and talkative and I'm *finally* writing again (HOLLLLAAAA). Who knows, shit might get real crazy up in hurr, and I may or may not even start VLOGGING again! *GASP*

I'm not even sure what the point of this post is, other than maybe to attempt to express my hyperactivity in a semi creative fashion? Is blogging even considered creative these days? PROBABLY NOT since Snapchat is a thing. For the record, Snapchat is confusing AF, but that is another story for another time. I'm heynewshoes on Snapchat, by the way...and I've NEVER.POSTED.A.THING. *bows*

So, in conclusion, I may or may not be too up at the moment. I suppose time will tell. Or, maybe the fact that I'm turning into Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Rec and ♫ singing my seeentenceeees ♫ will tell. You decide. Or maybe I decide. WHATEVS. *shrug*

Well, that's not really all I've got for now, but if I don't stop myself here, this will be the post that never ends. So, I will catch you on the flip side!

Until Next Time... Peace out, yo,
Carly (But really Batman)

P.S. Despite the title of this post, I am currently listening to this song on repeat and it's 100% Hannah Hart's fault. So, from the bottom of my gay little heart...thank you, Hannah. :D *dances*

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