People are crazy. Really, they are. And, a lot of the time, it has nothing to do with mental health diagnoses. Fo realz tho, I ain't got time for these crazies.
I'm incredibly sick of dealing with so much negativity in my life. But, what do you do when a lot of the negativity involves your family and you can't exactly escape it? Nor do you want to. Well, let me clarify...I want to get away from the negativity, for sure...I just don't exactly want to stop talking to these people, you know? And, it's not that simple anyway! UGH, can you say "rock and a hard place?!" Also, how did that phrase come to be? I mean, who literally got stuck between a rock and another hard place and decided to make that a thing people say? *googles*
Update: Okay, so, I just googled it, and, apparently, the phrase seems to have originated in the western United States (Arizona and California) in the 1920s and '30s. It had something to do with a financial crisis and or mining back in the day. #HistoryLesson #idioms
Do you like my use of hashtags there? Me either.
Oh, man...I haven't blogged in almost a year. Actually, I'm one week shy of going a year without blogging. So, excuse me if I'm a bit rusty. I feel like this is more of a journal entry than a blog post...but, I mean, what is a blog post if not a journal or sorts?
By the way, did you know that the word "blog" is short for "web-log?" Because it totally is. LOOK IT UP.
Okay, well...that's all I got for now.
Oh, wait! One more thing. I totally recently wrote a foreword for Kati Morton's new LGBTQ Workbook (check it out on iBooks and! It's FREE!). So, that's pretty exciting! I actually used the phrase, "From the bottom of my gay little heart" sooo if that sounds interesting to you, feel free to read it. Also, even if it doesn't sound interesting, just skip my foreword and read the workbook part. Kati worked really hard on it and it's wonderful.
Okay, well...that's really all I got for now.
Catch you on the flip side!
Until Next Time,
Carly (but really Batman)
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